

The Albuquerque/Bernalillo County (ABC) Comprehensive Plan is the policy document that guides planning throughout the city. These policies currently inform land-use and zoning decision-making in Albuquerque. The first Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 1975 and has been updated several times over the decades.  

What does the Comp Plan do? | Key Concepts | What's Next?Comp Plan FAQs

What does the Comp Plan do?

The Comp Plan is a policy document. It describes the community’s vision for the future of the built and natural environment and provides goals, policies, and implementing actions to achieve that vision. In this way, the Comp Plan shapes the future of Albuquerque by guiding decisions about growth, development, and public investments related to land use, transportation, urban design, parks and open space, housing, economic development, community identity, infrastructure, community facilities, and services. 

This Comp Plan identifies issues that are central to the region’s future success and describes how we can preserve and enhance the special places we value, even as we grow and evolve. The plan provides a holistic view of the how the whole community’s values, needs, people, and places are interrelated and interdependent.

Jump into the Plan

Key Concepts

Guiding Principles


Centers & Corridors

Areas of Change & Areas of Consistency

What's Next?

Updates to the Comp Plan in the Future

Bernalillo County adopted an update to its 2013 Comp Plan proposing a jointly adopted, 2-volume Comp Plan going forward, with the City's 2024 Comp Plan as Volume I and the County's 2024 update as Volume II. The volumes would share the Centers & Corridors map and definitions as the regional vision and a "crosswalk" of where shared goals/policies live in each jurisdiction's volume. The City would need to adopt this 2-volume approach in a future Comp Plan update. 

In the meantime, the City's Comp Plan policies will continue to inform land use and zoning decisions. City Departments and decision-makers will use the Comp Plan as they contemplate new plans and public investments affecting the whole community. The plan helps guide decisions that support coordinated development across departments and jurisdictions.

Biennual Updates to the Integrated Development Ordinance

The City is committed to updating regulations to implement Comp Plan goals and policies, improve the quality of development, and ensure that we move closer to our community vision as the City grows. Updates to the Integrated Development Ordinance every other year provide the opportunity to incorporate recommendations from Community Planning Area assessments, described below, as well as other suggestions from staff, residents, business owners, developers, and other people who use the City's zoning code.

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Community Planning Area Assessments

The City is committed to gauging how well the Comp Plan is working through assessments done in every Community Planning Area in the years between Comp Plan updates. On an ongoing cycle, the City Planning Department and community partners will assess all Community Planning Areas in Albuquerque. These assessments will help:

  • To preserve and enhance all neighborhoods.
  • To assess disparities across CPAs in levels of public investment, housing conditions, new development, health outcomes, active transportation, open space, and other measurements related to Comp Plan goals and policies.
  • To understand and improve how Comp Plan policies are impacting each CPA over time. 
  • To identify projects and partnerships that can improve quality of life in each CPA.

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