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Comp Plan Update 2024

The City of Albuquerque updated its Comprehensive Plan in 2024 after a yearl-long planning effort to show progress on actions and incorporate parallel planning efforts since the last update in 2017. This update was a chance to reflect and assess the strides we’ve made implementing our community vision. 

Overview | Approval Process | Archive DraftPublic Engagement Meetings​ | Stay Informed

This update delves into the achievements and progress since 2017. The City is reporting on previous actions and integrating fresh policies and actions from other City reports and studies that have been completed in the last 6 years.

The City's Review + Decision Process


City Council

Council's Land Use, Planning, and Zoning (LUPZ) Committee Review

EPC Review

Embracing Our Progress - Adopted Changes

Archive Draft

Council Floor Amendment

Comp Plan Update Submitted to EPC in 2023 (Redline Version)

2017 Action Item Updates

Community Planning Area Assessments

Citywide Action Plans

Map Updates

City Departments & Projects

Public Engagement in 2023
Stay Informed